Welcome, mama.
Adena Raben Profile Photo


Oh gosh, I haven't done anything like this for myself since portfolio prep, it's always for other people, haha!
I was raised in a family who loves and appreciates art, so I attribute my love for creating to my family.
I am a wife, mother and entrepreneur. I graduated from USI with an Art Degree/Graphic Design emphasis.

I started my business in 2013, a year before graduating. I have been freelancing since before graduation in 2014 and I can't say I can see myself doing anything else.

My freelancing includes a few different facets; I do web work, print, branding.. I love to paint, draw, build, create... I have a few Etsy stores I run alongside freelancing.

I recently finalized my trademark for Rasure Prints tagline, Embrace the Detours, and I live by this while trying to create and raise my little one.

P.S. I'll get a new photo sent over, everyone else's looks so professional, haha!

Dec. 13, 2021

Designing, Printing and Being Your Own Boss with Adena Rasure

Designer, Printer, Mom and Entrepreneur, Adena Raben. This episode was extra fun because I got to interview an old friend I went to college with. Adena was raised in a family who loves and appreciates art, so she attribute...

Listen to the Episode