Catherine (Cathy) Shields writes about parenting, disabilities, and self-discovery. She is a retired educator with an M.S. Ed in Exceptional Education. Her experience includes networking and dealing with children and families of persons with disabilities. In her debut memoir, THE SHAPE OF NORMAL, Cathy explores the truths and lies parents tell themselves, illustrating how she effectively used denial to protect herself from the stark reality of her child’s diagnosis. She provides readers with a map on how to navigate, accept and plan for the challenge of raising a child with a cognitive disability and details the process of achieving reluctant acceptance throughout her story. As Catherine learns to straddle mainstream society and the world of disabilities, she must challenge deep-seated attitudes of ableism. She reflects on her attitudes as she regards her daughter as “broken,” and does not shy away from the complex subject of how she learned to manage what appeared unmanageable. Cathy and her husband reside in Miami, Florida, where they raised three grown daughters. They kayak, ride bikes, hike in the Everglades, and visit the four grandchildren who live nearby.