It's that time of year again to introduce the READING CHALLENGE! Last year, we tackled 24 books together, and this time, I'm raising the bar – aiming for 36 books! In 2023, we tried for 24 books. I know so many of you were successful, so that's why this year we are upping the number!

Print or save to your phone, and each time you complete a book, color a book or mark it with an X.

Don't forget to share your progress on Instagram or Facebook by using this hashtag: #mwcreadingchallenge

I'd love to see what everyone is reading and get inspired on what to add to my highly growing TBR. 

So please PLEASE join me this year in reading (at least) 36 books!

If you're on mobile- hold down the image and save! 
If you're on a laptop- right click and save!